12 Major Developmental Stages of Children

Want to know about the developmental stages of children? Numerous mothers compare kids with other children of similar age. Are you remorseful if your feel your child is not matching? Do you ever find yourself inquiring the parenting skills as your child cooed later as compared to your friend’s kid?

Don’t worry! All children are unique. However, if you want to make sure that your kid is prospering the way he should, let me assist you!

12 Developmental Stages of Kids

I have mentioned the 12 significant stages of development for children. Do you need to see more? Keep reading!

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1-2 Months

From the time an infant is born until he/she is two months old, he/she can develop the below-listed skills:

Language Skills: The baby can babble and coo by this age.

Motor Skills: The baby holds her head upright. When anyone holds him/her, her head can be steady.

Social Skills: It is time for the love of a stranger. Your child will like seeing new people. He/she may start smiling at this age!

3 Months

When your child reaches three months of age, he/she may:

Language Skills: At this age, your child may find out his or her local cord! He or she will babble and coo with abandon!

Motor Skills: When prone, lift himself by arms. Also, he may roll from sides to the back.

Social Skills: The 3-month old baby can be on the way to become a social individual. He or she likes looking at new people and smiles as well.

3-5 Months

When it comes to the developmental stages of children, the time between 3 to 5 months is quite intense.

Language Skills: The child may have an adorable belly laugh, blow bubbles, and sounds like ‘eeeee-ahhhhhhhh.’

Motor Skills: Your child is always ready to roll and rock. The baby can roll from belly to the sides at this stage. He or she may learn to prop on their elbows and hold the head for a few minutes.

Social Skills: The baby can be at his or her social performance at this age.

6 Months

The six months of the first year of your baby has passed. Look for the below-mentioned activities your kid may do:

Language Skills: Be ready for some noise! Your child may babble and start making double syllable sounds at this age.

Motor Skills: The baby may start transferring stuff from one hand to the other. Also, he or she can sit with support and pull themselves into a sitting pose.

Social Skills: Now, your child may reveal the first symptoms of stranger anxiety.

9-10 Months

It is the right time to babyproof your house!

Language Skills: Your child master the art of babbling.

Motor Skills: From 8 to 10 months, most children will begin crawling. Also, your kid may learn to choose objects with the help of pincer grasp.

Social Skills: With the full swing of stranger anxiety, the kid can be super anxious at this age.

1 Year

The first birthday of your toddler is here! The child should have fulfilled the below-listed developmental milestones:

Language Skills: Your child develops skills of language speedily! He or she may babble two or three words all the time.

Motor Skills: The child may pull himself/herself, holding anything. He or she can stand for one or two seconds without any support during this stage.

Social Skills: At this stage, the dressing can be fun. Your kid can start to collaborate while dressing them. He or she also waves his or her hand to say goodbye and know simple commands.

18 Months

Language Skills: Your kid may speak numerous words by now; a few of them may be intelligible.

Motor Skills: During 18 months, numerous children try to walk without any support. Also, your kid can choose their toys without sitting, start walking up and down the stairs and jump! He or she can toss a ball and pile almost 3 to 4 cubes to make a tower!

Social Skills: The child needs you, almost all the time! Also, he or she eats with the help of a spoon and drink from a cup.

2 Years

Here are the appalling two. What do you expect? Check them out!

Language Skills: Finally, you can talk with your son or daughter! He or she can join 2-3 words to make a sentence.

Motor Skills: Your kid can run now! He or she can make a tower using six or more cubes.

Social Skills: It is time to go easy on diapers! Numerous kids acquire to be dry during this stage.

3 Years

It is an enjoyable stage, also considered a stage of fast growth among the other developmental stages of children.

Language Skills: Fed up of the three years old’s queries? It is only the start! The preschooler can talk in complete sentences now.

Motor Skills: By three years, your child can draw a man and follow the hand motions! He or she can make a tower with nine cubes or more.

Social Skills: Your kid still needs your assistance; however, he/she gets there when it comes to undressing and dressing without any help.

4 Years

Now, your kid is four years of age! What he/she can be done now?

Language Skills: Now, your child is a question black! He or she asks a lot of questions during this stage.

Motor Skills: Numerous four years old children can skip on foot.

Social Skills: At this age, the child can dress himself/herself. However, numerous children can undress and dress with help and are primarily potty trained by four years.

5 Years

At this stage, early childhood is over. A lot of the physical and mental development of your child is at the peak now.

Language Skills: Your kid learns new words regularly! His or her speech is fluent by the age of five.

Motor Skills: Your child can learn to hop and skip on the feet at five. He or she can draw anything intelligible.

Social Skills: During this stage, the child can undress and dress without assistance.

6 Years

Now your child is six years old.

Language Skills: Your child can talk fluently

Motor Skills: Your child can sum numbers and know right from left.

Social Skills: Your kid is independent in this age and is becoming a baby adult!

Conclusion: 12 Developmental Stages of Children

These are the 12 developmental stages of children. I hope you have got a clear understanding of these stages. Let us know if you have any questions! For more, keep visiting our website.

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